I’m over the moon that RED, WHITE, AND WHOLE has won a Newbery Honor Award!! Given to “most distinguished American children’s book published the previous year,” this is the oldest children’s book award in the world! I’m so grateful to the Newbery Committee and the American Library Association for recognizing this book of my heart in such a spectacular way. Thank you to Alexandra Cooper and Rosemary Brosnan at Quill Tree Books / HarperCollins for believing in this story!
When I wrote this story, I wasn’t sure that anyone else would want to read it. This recognition is beyond my wildest dreams, and I have no words for what this means to me! I’m lucky to have an agent, Brent Taylor of Triada US, who believes in me and my writing and encourages me to write what is in my heart. We did it, Brent!!
And I couldn’t have written this book without the connections I’ve made through Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators and my amazing writer friends. Thank you SO much!
And THANK YOU to all the teachers and librarians and kids out there who have read this book and shared it. Know that you are carrying a piece of my heart in your hands, and I’m so very grateful for your support.
I’m stunned and overjoyed and so, so, so thankful! 

Here are some photos my husband took when I got “the call” from the Newbery Committee about winning the Newbery Honor and while watching the ALA Youth Media Awards on January 24. You can read all about how I learned about the award and what it means to me on Mr. Schu’s blog.
Congrats on your big win! I just read Red, White and Whole and LOVED it. Will be recommending to my writing group when we meet in the morning and to my friends. Look forward to future books! Annemarie O’Brien, author of LARA’S GIFT.
P.S. I’ll also do a review on Amazon!
Thank you so much, Annemarie! So glad you enjoyed it.